I'm Julianne, I live in London, UK, and I'm an aspiring writer of Young Adult and New Adult novels and short stories. You've found your way to my book blog, where I talk about the books I love.
Not sure where to start? Here are some of my favourite posts:
What Makes A Book YA?
A Tour of Little Free Libraries: The Sky is Everywhere is Everywhere
Top Ten Most Frustrating Characters Ever
An Interview with Jen Campbell, author of The Bookshop Book
Local Library Love: Beckenham Library
Top Ten Books for Readers Who Like Teenagers Effing Up the Patriarchy
On Choosing to Read Books that Sound Similar to the Book You're Writing
Top Ten Books Dealing with Tough Subjects
More book reviews by me - mostly related to fashion, style, and/or crafting, can be found with the book review tag at my other blog, This Second's Obsession.
I also talk about books on my YouTube channel, Better Than Dreams, and I'm a member of the collab channel Bookish Brits, where I upload new videos every other Monday.
You can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Litsy, and Snapchat.
If you were wondering about the blog name, it's a pretentious reference to 'the fictive dream', which is a term that James N. Frey (not to be confused with the other James Frey) uses in his book How To Write Damn Good Fiction, one of the first writing guidebooks that I ever read, aged 14, shortly after stumbling, delightedly, into that section of my local library. When we write stories that absorb the reader, we are creating a fictive dream. But it only lasts as long as the book - hence 'fleeting'.
Please do leave comments, I love to read them, and subscribe so that you don't miss any new posts!
Review Policy
If I don't like a book I won't talk about it here - I would rather talk more about books I enjoy than spend extra time on those I regret spending time on in the first place! It's actually easier for me to write about books I didn't like, listing all the issues I had with them, so this is a personal challenge, as well as a statement about what kind of book blog I want this to be.
If I accept a book for consideration, I cannot guarantee that I will review it in its own post. Reviewing a book fully, listing all the pros and cons and ups and downs, is an extremely time-consuming process and I very rarely have time to do this anymore. This blog is not my job, it is a hobby, and I have other interests that I have decided to prioritise. It is more likely that the book will be featured in a recommendations list. I also cannot guarantee a timeframe for review - if you want to have a book featured by or on a particular date, please let me know and I will advise you if I am able to accommodate your request.
I have a YouTube channel, Better Than Dreams, and I will mention every book I read each month in that month's video wrap-up. I'm also a member of the collab channel Bookish Brits. Again, I will talk in greater detail about the books I enjoyed the most. I also feature most books that I'm provided for review on Instagram.
If you would like to contact me to ask if I would consider reading a book you are publishing, invite me to join a blog tour or event, or anything else that is appropriate, my email address is juliannelefay(at)gmail(dot)com.