The Fantasy Reading Challenge was easy, as it only required three books. The New Author Challenge was easy too, as most of the books I read qualified, and I already had most of the books I needed on my TBR for the GLBT and Book Blogger Recommendation challenges.
I think the flaw in my plan was my commitment to getting my TBR down. I didn't have a lot of time for reading last year and so I only read 21 new books. I counted re-reads for the challenges but that didn't help much - I was still trying to cover all the challenges with as few books as possible. My TBR didn't have enough British multi-ethnic YA on it, basically. I hit the library for a few books but I was also working under my rule that I must read three owned books to every library book (another method I use to try to get my TBR down).
My TBR is still at over 160 books. I gained too many books and read too few for it to shrink last year. So although I really enjoyed participating in all those challenges last year, and despite the fact that I'd like to join some of the horizon-broadening challenges and to support the British Books Challenge again (I love British YA, as evidenced here), I can't. I really, really need to get my TBR down. I just don't have the space for any more books. My room is far too crowded and now I'm receiving the odd review book, I need to redouble my efforts to shrink the TBR. Therefore I am limiting my reading challenges this year to those that I can complete just with books from my TBR.
New Author Challenge 2012
This was easy, and it's nice to be able to just read down the linky and see when people have reviewed books by authors I've read so that I can comment on them. My goal is 15.
1. Night School, by C. J. Daugherty
2. The Book of Blood and Shadow, by Robin Wasserman
3. Under the Never Sky, by Veronica Vossi
4. Journey to the River Sea, by Eva Ibbotson
5. The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins
6. Bunheads, by Sophie Flack
7. The Dud Avocado, by Elaine Dundy
8. Bright Young Things, by Anna Godbersen
9. Saving June, by Hannah Harrington
10. Blue Bloods, by Melissa de la Cruz
11. Defiance, by C. J. Redwine
12. My Soul to Take, by Rachel Vincent
13. Ash, by Malinda Lo
14. Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life, by Bryan Lee O'Malley
15. The Iron King, by Julie Kagawa
2012 Young Adult Reading Challenge
I've got 27 YA books on my TBR so it should be easy to read enough for Level 1, The Mini YA Reading Challenge – Read 12 Young Adult novels. Plus I've read three already! Great start to 2012!
1. The Boy Book, by E. Lockhart
2. The Treasure Map of Boys, by E. Lockhart
3. Night School, by C. J. Daugherty
4. The Book of Blood and Shadow, by Robin Wasserman
5. Under the Never Sky, by Veronica Vossi
6. The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins
7. Real Live Boyfriends, by E. Lockhart
8. Bunheads, by Sophie Flack
9. Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins
10. Bright Young Things, by Anna Godbersen
11. Adorkable, by Sarra Manning
12. Where She Went, by Gayle Forman

I'm signing up for level 2: 11-20 - A Friendly Hug. Further motivation to get working on my TBR!
1. Night School, by C. J. Daugherty (received for review in 2011)
2. Wayward Girls and Wicked Women, edited by Angela Carter (had been on TBR since 2008!)
3. Journey to the River Sea, by Eva Ibbotson (bought in 2011)
4. Good Bones, by Margaret Atwood (another one bought in 2008!)
5. Povídky: Short Stories by Czech Women, edited by Nancy Hawker (and another!)
6. The Dud Avocado, by Elaine Dundy (got in 2010 - on TBR nearly two years)
7. Bright Young Things, by Anna Godbersen (won in 2011)
8. Blue Bloods, by Melissa de la Cruz (picked up at Atom Bloggers' Evening in 2011)
9. Masquerade, by Melissa de la Cruz (ditto)
10. Ash, by Malinda Lo (bought in 2011)
11. We're So Famous, by Jaime Clarke (not going to review, as I didn't rate it that highly)
And finally, I'll be posting about it shortly, but I am running my own challenge, the Magazine Reading Challenge. I'll go into more detail in the other post, but basically, I have loads of literary magazines sitting around and have I read more than about two cover to cover? NO. This is a challenge specifically intended to get my magazine TBR down and to encourage me to review them too!
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